ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Bhante Gunaratana | 2007 BhramVihara 03.23.07 Overcoming Anger and Replacing it with Metta | 2007 Bhrama Vihara Retreat | |
2. | Bhante Gunaratana | 2007 BhramVihara 03.18.07 Metta Sutta, Stanza 2&3 | 2007 Bhrama Vihara Retreat | |
3. | Bhante Gunaratana | 2007 BhramVihara 03.19.07 Metta Sutta Stanza 3-9 | 2007 Bhrama Vihara Retreat | |
4. | Bhante Gunaratana | 2007 BhramVihara 03.20.07 Metta Sutta Stanza 10 | 2007 Bhrama Vihara Retreat | |
5. | Bhante Gunaratana | 2007 BhramVihara 03.24.07 Developing Wholesome Habits to Deal with Anger | 2007 Bhrama Vihara Retreat | |
6. | Donald Rothberg | 2007-10/23 Metta And The Opening Of The Heart - How Metta Transforms Us | 2007-10/19 SR Cultivating Clear Seeing, Opening the Heart | |
7. | Bhante Gunaratana | 2007 BhramVihara 03.22.07 General Discussion | 2007 Bhrama Vihara Retreat | |
8. | Heather Martin | 2007-07/15 Metta As Purification | 2007-07/13 UNK Metta Retreat | |
9. | Ven. Ariya Nani | 2007-05/01 Metta Sutta | | |
10. | Ven. Ariya Nani | 2007-05/01 Metta Chant 3 (Pali) | | |
11. | Gina Sharpe | 2007-02/08 Generosity - The Verb Of Metta | 2007-02/02 IMSRC Metta Retreat | |
12. | Ven. Ariya Nani | 2007-05/01 Chanmyay Metta Chant | | |
13. | Ven. Ariya Nani | 2007-05/01 Metta Sutta (Pali) | | |
14. | Ven. Ariya Nani | 2007-05/01 Metta Chant 2 (Pali) | | |
15. | Ven. Ariya Nani | 2007-05/01 Metta Chant 1 (Pali) | | |
16. | Gina Sharpe | 2010-02/11 Metta Instructions - Expanding the field of metta to the neutral person. | 2010-02/07 IMSRC Metta Retreat | |
17. | Gina Sharpe | 2010-02/11 Metta Instructions - Expanding the field of metta to the neutral person. | 2010-02/07 IMSRC Metta Retreat | |
18. | Ven. Ariya Nani | 2007-05/01 Metta In Deed, Speech, And Thought | | |
19. | Patricia Genoud-Feldman | 2007-10/04 Brahma Vihara - Guided Metta Sitting | 2007-09/20 IMSRC Three-Month Retreat - Part 1 | |
20. | Mike Gibson | Replacing Your King | 2009-03-16 | |
21. | Bill Schmalfeldt | Replacing Some Carbohydrates w | Diet | |
22. | Thomas Ristenpart, University of California, San Diego; Gabriel Maganis, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Tadayoshi Kohno, University of Washington | Privacy-Preserving Location Tracking of Lost or Stolen Devices: Cryptographic Techniques and Replacing Trusted Third Parties with DHTs | 17th USENIX Security Symposium Refereed Papers | |
23. | Bhikkhu Bodhi | Metta 02 | Bhikkhu Bodhi: Three Blessings Suttas: Ratana, Mangala, Metta Sutta from the Sutta Nipata | |
24. | Geoffrey Raines | Metta | Current | |
25. | Bhikkhu Bodhi | Metta 01 | Bhikkhu Bodhi: Three Blessings Suttas: Ratana, Mangala, Metta Sutta from the Sutta Nipata | |
26. | Yohimbe Brothers | Overcoming | The Tao Of Yo | |
27. | David Cobia | Overcoming Joy | Summer of Joy | |
28. | Ajahn Brahmavamso | Metta Sutta | BSWA Chanting Tape | |
29. | Geoffrey Raines | Metta Instrumental | Current | |
30. | Ajahn Brahmavamso | Metta Sutta | BSWA Chanting Tape | |